is a word counter launched in 2012. Our website is run by a small but mighty team of contributors based all around the world who like building simple, efficient tools that make people's lives easier. Whether you're a journalist trying to fit your story on the front page, a student with an essay word count to reach, or someone just trying to make sure that your message doesn't get the dreaded TL;DR, our word counting tool produces reliable word counts in an instant.

Over the years, we became one the world's largest and oldest online word counters. More than a decade in the counting craft has allowed us to develop effective methods of counting words in many leading languages. We focus on generating a simple, minimalistic interface and cross-browser and cross-platforms efficacy. Our wordcount is self-financing through advertising, which allows us to bring it to you free of charge. The quality of our utility is confirmed by a constant flow of thousands of users.

Try it out now by seeing how many words are in this text!


Website joint co-owner and Founder, Senior Executive Producer,
Website joint co-owner, Executive Director,
Francesco Lee
Francesco Lee
IT Technician,

Jennifer Magpali
Jennifer Magpali
Front-End Developer,
Philippines, [bio]
Paul Puzyrev
Paul Puzyrev
PHP Web Developer,
Latvia [bio]
Stan Hurr
Stan Hurr
Artist illustrator, United Kingdom,
Word Counters
Word Counter Compte mots. Contar palabras. Quantas palavras Conta parole Wörterzähler. Woordenteller 字数计算器 Licznik słów. Сколько слов? μετρητής λέξεων عد الكلمات

Letter Counters
Character Counters

Count letters Character count Compteur de lettres. Contador de caracteres. Contador de letras Contare lettere. Zeichenzaehlen. Karakter aantal Licznik liter. Счетчик букв. Μέτρημα χαρακτήρων عد الحروف